Users Widget

This widget shows the number of users at a specific period in time, for each domain.

Figure 1. Users Widget

If the graphic contains only a single date point, the widget will display the date in the format of a bar chart.

Users Bar Chart
Figure 2. Users Bar Chart

The image above shows the number of user of the current year (default filter)

The user can hover the mouse over the title to see a brief explanation of what the widget is.

Users Tooltip Title
Figure 3. Users Tooltip Title Widget

This widget displays a Line Chart where each line represents the number of users of a specific domain.

On the bottom of the widget there is a legend explaining which line is associated with what domain.

Users Legend
Figure 4. Users Legend

Every line on the Line Chart has dots, each of these dots represents the number of users in a selected period in time.

Users Line Chart Dots
Figure 5. Users Line Chart Dots

The user can hover over these dots to display a tooltip with the exact number of users of each domain associated with that date period. Hovering will also create a vertical line going through the dot and it will fill the inside of the dot to further accentuate the option the user is selecting.

Users Selected Date Period
Figure 6. Users Selected Date Period

To enter fullscreen, click on the cog wheel on the top right of the widget and you’ll enter a settings menu, here click on the option that says "Expand Widget".

User Enter Fullscreen
Figure 7. User Enter Fullscreen

When the widget is in fullscreen, it displays the information in this way.

User Fullscreen
Figure 8. User Fullscreen

To return to default view, click the icon on the top right to exit fullscreen.

User Fullscreen
Figure 9. User Exit Fullscreen


when a widget as a partition that has too much data to display on the widget, there are arrows on the top left of the widget that allow the user to see the rest of the data by clicking said arrows.

Users Partitioning Arrows
Figure 10. Channel Volume Partitioning Arrows
Users Partitioning Next Part
Figure 11. Channel Volume Partitioning Next Part