Analytics Dashboard

This dashboard is the default process for the eSign portal, here the user will be able to see different statistics for the eSign platform.

Figure 1. Dashboard
Everything in this dashboard needs specifics entitlements to be shown, there may be users without access to everything shown here.

Last update date

The user can see when the data of each widget was fetched, simply by pressing the menu icon on the widget.

widget settings menu
Figure 2. Last update
If a filter is applied to the widget this option will be disabled.

Filtering Data

You can filter the statistics shown on screen using two different methods.

Dashboard Toolbar

Using this method every widget will suffer from the filter chosen.

By default there is a date range filter applied of the current year.
If a widget has a a filter applied the dashboard filters of the same type will be overridden.
dashboard toolbar
Figure 3. Dashboard Options

Date Filter

This filter will restrict the date shown on the dashboard to the specified date interval.

To filter by date, press the filters button like the image below shows.

dashboard toolbar filter btn
Figure 4. Dashboard Filter Button

On the newly open sidebar you will be able to select a date by a dropdown selector with a couple of default options or by selecting a custom data range on the calendar.

open dashboard filters date range
Figure 5. Dashboard Date Range Filter

After selecting the desired date range, press the apply filters button.

Now the dashboard will only show data relative to that time frame, you can see if a filter is applied by the filters chip.

toolbar filter chips
Figure 6. Updated Filtered Dashboard

Document Type Filter

This filter will restrict the statistics on the dashboard to only show data from the specified document type.

This filter is not supported by all of the widgets.

To filter by document type, press the filters button like the image below shows.

dashboard toolbar filter btn
Figure 7. Dashboard Filter Button

On the newly open sidebar you will be able to select a document type by writing the type of document that we want.

open filters document type
Figure 8. Dashboard Document Type Filter

The user can click the text field and a selector will be displayed to select the document type (the user can also write the type of document regardless of if it is listed or not).

open filters document type options
Figure 9. Dashboard Document Type Filter Options

After writing the desired document type, press the apply filters button.

Now the dashboard will only show data relative to that document type, you can see if a filter is applied by the filters chip that appear below the filter button at the top right corner of the dashboard.

toolbar filter chips document type
Figure 10. Updated Filtered Dashboard

Partition Filter

This filter modifies the user’s perspective on the data. Rather than observing the data in its entirety, it allows the user to examine how the data evolves within a defined time frame.

This filter is not supported by all of the widgets.
In some widgets, you will only be able to view the partitioned data in fullscreen mode.

To filter by partition, press the filters button like the image below shows.

Dashboard Open Filters Menu
Figure 11. Dashboard Filter Button

On the newly open sidebar you will be able to select a partition.

Dashboard Partition Filters
Figure 12. Dashboard Data Partitioning Filter

After selecting the desired partition, press the apply filters button.

The partitioning options can only be applied in specific date ranges (Ex: Year can only be applied in a date range of 2 years). If the you select an invalid date range for the data partitioning, an error will be displayed explaining the right date range for each partitioning.
Dashboard Filters Error Message
Figure 13. Dashboard Data Partitioning Error Message

Now the dashboard will only show data relative to that partition, you can see if a filter is applied by the filters chip.

dashboard toolbar filter partition
Figure 14. Updated Filtered Dashboard
Partitioning can be different depending on the widget, if you want to see how it works specifically check each widget’s documentation for more information

If the time frame contains more entries than can be displayed within the widget, navigation arrows will appear in the top-left corner of the widget.

widget long range
Figure 15. Widget Long range

Widget Filter

Using this method only the widget on which this is used, will have the data change.

If this method is used the widget will override any dashboard filters of the same type.

Date Filter

This filter will restrict the date shown on the dashboard to the specified date interval.

To filter a specific widget by date the user needs to first open the filter menu by clicking on the filter icon.

widget filter icon
Figure 16. Widget Filter Open

By default the user can select a default option or can go to "Custom Range" and pick a custom date range by opening the calendar.

By opening the Calendar the user can select a date range of their choice.

widget filter date range calendar
Figure 17. Widget Date Range Filter Calendar

On the other hand, the user can select from predetermined date ranges by selecting presets.

widget filter date range preset
Figure 18. Widget Date Range Filter Options

After selecting a date press apply, the widget data should now be updated according to the filter.

The user can tell that a widget has a filter applied by the badge on the filter icon.
applied filter badge
Figure 19. Updated Filtered Widget

Partitioning Filter

This filter modifies the user’s perspective on the data. Rather than observing the data in its entirety, it allows the user to examine how the data evolves within a defined time frame.

In some widgets, you will only be able to view the partitioned data in fullscreen mode.
Not all widgets have access to this filter

To filter a specific widget by partitioning the user needs to first open the filter menu by clicking on the filter icon.

widget partitioning filter icon
Figure 20. Widget Filter Open

Then the user can select the partitioning under the Data Partitioning label.

widget filter data partitioning option
Figure 21. Widget Data Partitioning Filter Options

The user can then select the data partitioning option and apply the filter.

widget filter data partitioning apply
Figure 22. Widget Data Partitioning Filter Apply
The user can tell that a widget has a filter applied by the badge on the filter icon.
widget partitioned data
Figure 23. Updated Filtered Widget
The partitioning options can only be applied in specific date ranges (Ex: Year can only be applied in a date range of 2 years). If the you select an invalid date range for the data partitioning, an error will be displayed explaining the right date range for each partitioning.
widget partitioning error message
Figure 24. Widget Data Partitioning Filter Error Message

Smaller widgets cannot display partitioned data unless they are in fullscreen, there will be an icon warning the user of this

signers partitioning warning
Figure 25. Small Widget Data Partitioning Example

Simply enter fullscreen and the display will show the data partitioning.

If the time frame contains more entries than can be displayed within the widget, navigation arrows will appear in the top-left corner of the widget.

widget long range
Figure 26. Widget Long range

Document Type Filter

This filter will restrict the statistics on the dashboard to the only show data from the specified document type.

Not all widgets have access to this filter

To filter a specific widget by document type the user needs to first open the filter menu by clicking on the filter icon.

widget filter all options
Figure 27. Widget Filter Open

Then the user can click on the text field under the Document Type label to display a selector with the document types (the user can also type a document type even if it isn’t one of the options in the selector).

widget filter document type options
Figure 28. Widget Document Type Options

The user can then select the document type and apply the filter.

widget filter document type apply
Figure 29. Widget Document Type Apply
The user can tell that a widget has a filter applied by the badge on the filter icon.
applied filter badge
Figure 30. Updated Filtered Widget

Refreshing Widget Data

The user can refresh the data of the statistics shown by pressing the refresh icon on the dashboard toolbar.

refresh data icon
Figure 31. Refresh Dashboard

After pressing the icon every widget show goes to a loading state and refreshes the data shown.

Download Usage Data

Allowed users will be able to download Usage Data from the eSign platform.

To do so the user needs to click the download icon on the download toolbar.

download icon
Figure 32. Dashboard Download Usage

After a bit a modal should pop up, here the user should choose the pretended year for the data download, from the available years on the selector.

year selector
Figure 33. Dashboard Download Usage

To initialize the download the user needs to press the download button.

After doing so the modal should close and after a while a download should pop up on the browser, in some cases the user may be prompted to allow the website to save files to the pc, if such pop up appears the user should press allow.