Signatures Widget

This widget shows the average number of signatures per document. It is also possible to view the percentage of documents per number of signatures.

Figure 1. Signatures Widget

This widget has 2 different ways of displaying information. The default display shows the average number of signatures per document.

For a more detailed display, the user can click on the button at the top of the widget with a “%” symbol.

Signatures Change View
Figure 2. Signatures Change View

This display will show you a Pie Chart representing the percentage of documents per number of signatures.

Signatures Percentage View
Figure 3. Signatures Pie Chart

On the right side of the widget there is a Legend explaining what each slice represents.

Signatures Percentage Legend
Figure 4. Signatures Legend

The user can hover over the slices to display a tooltip with the exact number of that amount of signatures. Hovering will also increase the size of the slice and turn the percentage text into bold to further accentuate the option the user is selecting.

Signatures Percentage Hover
Figure 5. Signatures Hover Over Pie Chart

To return to the default view, the user must click on the button at the top of the widget labeled “Avg”.

Signatures Return View Default
Figure 6. Signatures Return To Default View