Hotfix 1.9.12

Release Date: 27/10/2022

Key features

Private variables

Determine which custom variables of documents and fields are considered private.
A private variable is never sent to the frontend (eSignViewer) nor is it returned in REST APIs that provide details about the document.

All variable prefixed with # are considered private.

"variables" : [
    "name":"my_var", (1)
    "value": "<public information>"
    "name":"#my_var", (2)
    "value": "<sensitive information>"
1 Public variable
2 Private variable (prefixed with #)

Support for Content-Security-Policy

Added support for browser CSP configurations, allowing to enforce rules such as:

  • Block opening eSign inside iframes of unknown domains (whitelist/blacklist domains)

  • Block javascript from unknown domains inside eSign

Added configuration property "server.filters.headers.csp" that can contain a list of CSP entries (empty by default)

Change logging properties in real-time

It is now possible to change the logging configurations in ESIGN_HOME/config/log4j2.xml file without having to restart eSign.

Improved logging

Several improvements in logging to ease the troubleshooting of all types of issues.

  • Log execution times of actions performed via websockets (trace)

  • Log execution times of custom addins ("": true)


  • Owner information is now returned in the /document/<id>/data Rest API

  • [DevOps-23805] Added configuration properties to enable/disable logging filters ("server.filters.logging.enabled")

  • [DevOps-24018] Added configuration property to force the signature selection pop-up to appear even when only one option exists ("server.viewer.signmethods.modal.showalways")

  • [DevOps-28975] Added configuration property to determine which signature methods should NOT include a watermark ("signature.exclude.watermark")


  • [DevOps-21669] Fields bookmark was not being opened automatically even when configuration "server.viewer.bookmark.autoopen" or variable "AUTO_OPEN_BOOKMARKS" were set to 'true'

  • [DevOps-25878] Rendering signatures in ill-formatted pdfs would leave the viewer permanently in a loading state

  • [DevOps-18018] eSign will now reject incorrect dates in the signDate field of the sign a document service

  • [DevOps-23837] Fixed a bug where updating the "security.local.users" would fail if said value was already deleted and updated once before

  • [DevOps-26672] Hidden sign methods configuration would hide the ones defined and returned by SignMethodAddin

  • [DevOps-27610] Fixed validation of license files when parsing dates in machines with different set locales/regions

  • [DevOps-24150] Increased OwnerIds size from 50 to 2000 to allow for larger owner user/role names

  • [DevOps-28837] Fixed the property "signature.include.watermark" so it would not place a watermark on non included signature methods

  • [DevOps-28299] Creating a contract with a text block would fail on linux systems when no font was specified (due to Arial font not existing on the system)

  • [DevOps-17811,17812,17813,17814,17597,17622,17627,18829,19748,19236,19235,19491,19548,17816,17818] Improved error messages and http codes for several services.

Important changes

Below are a list of breaking changes:

Changed default Font

To ensure compliance with linux-based setups (namely the official docker image), Helvetica is now default font instead of Arial.

This change may affect:

  • Textblocks added to a document using the eSign’s create API (when no font type is defined in the request)

  • Font used in signature details (eg: OTP, SMARTCARD, TFA, …​)

If you wish to keep using Arial in the signature details, add the following property to your esign.config:

"signature.font" : "Arial"

Signature watermark configurations

The default value of the property "signature.include.watermark" was changed to <NULL>, and property "signature.exclude.watermark" was added with value ["HANDWRITTEN", "TRANSCRIPTION"].

This means by default all signatures will contain a background watermark except for ["HANDWRITTEN", "TRANSCRIPTION"]. If this behavior does not fit your use-case, you will need to change the values of these properties.

Migration Notes

Database changes

eSign improves its database schema in version 1.9.12 therefore make sure you run the migration scripts for version 1.9.12 present in the esign-safehub module.