Add-in Interfaces
Artifact Access
Add-in responsible for determining who has access write to each field of a document. For instance, if a developer can perform a signature on a field based on some criteria (like a role).
Trigger Event(s): Submit; Access to document data, Sign, Purge, Cancel |
Check full specification IArtifactAccessAddin
Artifact Audit
Add-in responsible for handling auditable events occurring in the server.
Trigger Event(s): Submit; Create; Access to document data, Sign, Purge, Cancel; Reset; Page change; field change |
Check full specification IArtifactAuditAddin
Artifact Create
Add-in that is triggered just before an artifact is uploaded to the application. It allows to modify the artifact or the information to be added to the artifact.
Triger Event(s): Just before document creation |
Check full specification IArtifactCreateAddin
Artifact Field Change
Add-in responsible for triggering events when edit actions are called upon document fields.
Trigger Event(s): Document edited |
Check full specification IArtifactFieldChangeAddin
Artifact Status
Add-in responsible for inferring the status of a given artifact.
Trigger Event(s): Document submission |
Check full specification IArtifactStatusAddin
Artifact Submit
Add-in responsible for implementing actions to be performed when a document is submitted.
Trigger Event(s): Document submission |
Check full specification IArtifactSubmitAddin
Barcode Text
Add-in responsible for generating the string code to be encoded into a Barcode. Uses information from Artifact Context. The only supported code type at the time of writing is QR.
Trigger Event(s): Document creation (upon client request) |
Check full specification IBarcodeTextAddin
Session Authentication
Add-in responsible for authenticating a user of a session about to be opened.
Trigger Event(s): Document access |
Check full specification ISessionAuthenticationAddin
Session Listener
Add-in responsible for intercepting events over an artifact session.
Trigger Event(s): Session started, closed; Participant joined, left. |
Check full specification ISessionListenerAddin
Signature Signing
Add-in responsible for signing a given signature object.
Trigger Event(s): When signing using a server-side signature method |
Check full specification ISignatureSigningAddin
Sign Method
Add-in responsible for signing a given signature object.
Trigger Event(s): When signing using a server-side signature method |
Check full specification ISignMethodAddin
Sign Method V2
Add-in responsible for implementing logic to determine available allowed signing methods.
Trigger Event(s): When a signature request is performed (example: a signature field clicked on the client-browser) |
Check full specification ISignMethodV2Addin
Template Load
Add-in responsible for triggering loading an existing artifact template from a specific location.
Trigger Event(s): Document creation from template; Template reading |
Check full specification ITemplateLoadAddin
Trust Certificate Provider
Whenever an artifact is signed, or a signature validation is performed, the solution needs to validate if the certificate used for signing is trusted. Add-in responsible for retrieving the list of all certificates that will be trusted for each given purpose.
Trigger Event(s): Updating or listing the trust certificate store |
Check full specification ITrustCertificateProviderAddin
Trust Certificate Store
Whenever an artifact is signed, or a signature validation is performed, the solution needs to validate if the certificate used for signing is trusted. Add-in responsible for maintaining an updated list of all supported types of certificate, as well as performing certificate validations.
Trigger Event(s): Document validation; Updating or listing the trust certificate store |
Check full specification ITrustCertificateStoreAddin
Whenever an analytics entry is stored in the repository the same entry is given to the IAnalyticsAddin implementation as to make any use of that information. Any changes made to the object received will not affect the analytics repository entry.
Trigger Event(s): When given events occur like creating a document or signing a document, among others. |
Check full specification IAnalyticsAddin
Signature Details
An add-in that allows for the signature image and text personalization, this method should return an ISignatureDetails object that returns null on all values to be replaced by the default values.
Trigger Event(s): Document signature using a non-HANDWRITTEN signing method |
Check full specification ISignatureDetailsAddin
OTP Provider
Add-in responsible for generating an OTP code and validate it afterwards, this addin is triggered whenever a user clicks on a signature field and chooses signature method OTP.
This addin is commonly used to integrate with existing OTP providers from third-parties.
Trigger Event(s): Sign |
Check full specification IOTPProvider