Hotfix 1.10.4

Release Date: 10/05/2023

Key features


Improved Analytics API, control the resulting dataset granularity with partitioning. You can now partition data per Year, Month, Days or Hours.

The following endpoints are now supported by the Analytics V2 API:

  • Signatures per types count

  • Users per domain

  • Submitted documents

  • Document count per status

  • Document types listing

The original API is still supported as the new feature is available at /analytics/v2/

Bulk signing

Bulk signing of hashes now supported in an asynchronous manner. When using the new /signature/bulk/sign/async endpoint you will now receive an unique signId.

This signId will then be used to check on the status of the signature request with the /signature/bulk/sign/retrieve endpoint, the response will then return 1 of 4 possible states:

  • SUCCESS - containing the signed hashes

  • PENDING - containing nothing

  • NOTFOUND - containing nothing

  • FAILURE - containing an error message

This new feature is persisted via a configurable cache:

  • signature.queue.cache.expire.after.access - default 600 seconds

  • signature.queue.cache.maximum.size.mb - default 500 MB

In eSign’s Multicert provider configuration you will now have to add the parameter "cert.primary.asynchronous":"true" if you want to enable assynchronous signing.
Currently the only production ready signature provider implementation is Multicert’s


  • [Devops-34599] Signature Types API with support for time partitioning

  • [Devops-34604] Submitted Documents API with support for time partitioning

  • [Devops-34642] Users per domain API with support for time partitioning

  • [Devops-34601] Document Status API with support for time partitioning

  • [Devops-34601] Document types can now be consulted via analytics dashboard API (/rest/v1/analytics/v2/document/types endpoint) similarly to the operation years listing (usage/years endpoint). You can also use ignorecache=true query param to force a cacheless response.

  • [Devops-31566] All server-side errors arriving the frontend layer are now translated into l10n resources this means error messages are now translatable in eSign’s viewer. Also you can use the flag to control whether or not exceptions are sent along with the error messages.

  • [Devops-34599] Logs can now be filtered time interval. You can now filter logs in eSign’s monitoring page (in the logs tab).


  • [Devops-33824] (License Usage API) Fixed a bug where When a filter was applied for a year that doesn’t have a license, the response would not have the one acquired in previous years.

  • [Devops-34095] Signature request requires no longer requires Accept header to be added explicitly

  • [Devops-39842] Fixed a bug that prevented images and barcodes to be added to documents

  • [Devops-49900] Fixed a bug that in some cases removed password protection from documents after being used in eSign - If no password was sent in the request

  • [Devops-50053] Fixed a bug that made dates with the "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" format unsupported in the log search service

  • [Devops-50122] Fixed a bug that prevented new login attemps after clicking ok on the monitoring logs page after the session expired (required a page refresh)

Upgrade Notes

If you are upgrading directly from 1.9.x, check the migration steps to understand how to upgrade.